Dora Lynn & Deanna Quirke

As there are two of us in the group- we need to start thinking of dividing up roles and who is exactly going to do what so we can get the most out of our time and lessons. Last year I felt that I wasn't particularly organised and we weren't working as a unit- but hopefully things will change!
We have decided that I am going to be the performer, starring in the video, trying to give a performance that is conventional of the genre across all ancillary tasks and the video itself. As a result- Dora is going to be the cinematographer, taking all the pictures and recording all of the footage as well as editing it. This led to Dora becoming the brains of the operation- dealing in the technical side of production; choosing the right shot types, editing footage and photos, storyboarding and I would be the creative input- leading the group in terms of research, creating the ancillary tasks, performing and also assisting in the larger scale tasks like editing and setting up cameras.
Knowing exactly what we are in charge of from the start allows me and Dora to prioritise our own separate tasks with little confusing- helping us achieve a sense of professionalism and making the most of the time at hand.
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